Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Changing Seasons, Changing Activities

It's almost Spring!

The seasons affect what clothes we wear and what activities we do. We are approaching Spring and that means blooming flowers, warming weather, and new Amazing New York Races!

The groundhog's shadow isn't the only thing predicting the date of the upcoming season. The seasons are predicted by tracking the rising and setting points of the sun throughout the year. This practice is dated back to ancient times of Mayans and Babylonians! Because the sun is our source of light, energy and heat, the changing intensity and concentration of its rays give rise to the seasons of winter, spring, summer and fall.

After March, POGO Events will present New Yorkers with new and exciting races such as bar crawls, movie trivia, and desserts!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Secrets of the Subway

Subways. We ride them every day without paying much attention, but did you know there is more to the MTA system than just a quick ride home?

New York City is a fascinating place, even underground! Here are some secrets of the New York City subway system:

Many of the NYC subways include underground art, colorful installations, and unique sculptures. Take a chance to appreciate the underground world of New York City by strolling through the subway stations or learning a bit about the underground life on one of our “Underground” Amazing New York Race’s.

Abandoned subways?

There are 5 abandoned subway stations in NYC, some of which are located in a heavy traffic subway station very much used still today.

-Worth St. station,

-42nd street, lower level

-City Hall station

-18th street station

-Roosevelt Ave., upper level

The famous City Hall subway station, which has been closed and abandoned for decades, can still be seen today if you know what you’re looking for! If you’re riding the 6 train to Brooklyn Bridge, stay on and get a glimpse of the City Hall station as the train turns around.